Installnpmyarnpnpmnpm i glazejs Setup import gsap from "gsap"; import glaze from "glazejs"; // using cdn // import glaze from ""; // import gsap from ""; glaze({ lib: { gsap: { core: gsap, }, }, }); Config glaze({ // the root element which will be searched for elements element: document, // the attribute to search for dataAttribute: "data-animate", // custom breakpoints breakpoints: { default: "(min-width: 1px)", }, // defaults for animations defaults: { tl: "ease-power2.inOut", element: "to:x-500", }, // custom presets presets: { helicopter: "from:rotate-2160|duration-10", }, // watch elements for changes and restart animations with new settings watch: false, });Edit on GitHubPreviousIntroductionNextSyntax